Ali G unwittingly becomes a pawn in the evil Chancellor’s plot to overthrow the Prime Minister of Great Britain. However, instead of bringing the Prime Minister down, Ali is embraced by the nation as the voice of youth and ‘realness’, making the Prime Minister and his government more popular than ever.
Director: Mark Mylod
Writers: Sacha Baron Cohen, Dan Mazer
Stars: Sacha Baron Cohen, Emilio Rivera, Gina La Piana
Ali G Indahouse Quotes
Ali G: I’m not Ali A, not Ali B, Ali C, Ali D, Ali E, Ali F… but… Ali G.
Ali G: R.E.S.T.E.C.P! Do ya even know wha it spellz?
Cabinet M.P.: Restecp?
Ali G: Yes, Restecp. ‘Owz anyone out there meant to restecp each otha? If you lot in ‘ere, don’t even start restecpa-ing one another.
Ali G : A man more eviler than Skeletor.
David Carlton : [to Ali] Have you ever considered becoming a member of parliament?
Ali G : What me wanna do that for? It’s full of pricks.
David Carlton : That’s a little harsh. I’m an MP, am I a prick?
Ali G : Yes.